Outdoor Challenge - We're Heading Outside with our Toddler Every Day for a Year

Enjoying the snow in our neighborhood park last spring

Enjoying the snow in our neighborhood park last spring

We were at a family gathering this past year and had the chance to talk with some family members that we don't get to see often. A cousin walked up to us and said "I heard that Little O has been outside every day of his life." This wasn't true, but it was fun to hear.

At that point, O was about 18 months old. We thought back through those 18 months and realized that this cousin probably wasn't far off. And we loved how the rumor in the family was that we were getting our son out every single day, no matter the weather. It sounded like a fun challenge.

The #juniper365outside challenge

So, we've decided to take it on. Beginning Dec. 1, we've committed to getting out with our little one every day for an entire year.

What does this look like for a family of three who lives in an urban area? We'll spend time outside every day. Some days, our outdoor time will result in beautiful photos of tinys running around in the woods or looking at waterfalls or icy creeks. Little feet sticking out of tents or hiking in beautiful vistas, or little hands paddling across a serene lake. Many days will be less glamorous. Playing in the backyard, or choosing to walk to the store instead of driving. Some days the playground will be made of rocks and sticks and trees, and some days the playground will be man-made. We'll prioritize natural environments, but in a pinch the goal is just to spend some time outside. Every day.


Backyard Gardening

Backyard Gardening

Because we think the simplicity of spending time outside, connected to the natural world, is really important. Even if some days that's just breathing in outdoor air for a while. Humans weren't meant to be cooped up inside all the time, and we notice the huge difference that just a walk around the neighborhood can make for us. That effect is even stronger if we walk a little further and find some wooded trails, or head down to the river. Stronger, still, if we pack a tent and spend a few days camping or backpacking. We notice it with our little one as well. He can run and throw sticks and make a mess and it's ok. He naps better. He's happier.

Outdoors there's a simplicity and freedom to explore that just doesn't exist in our home, no matter how hard we try. It invites creativity and problem solving, and we believe that lessons learned from spending time outside are going to prepare our little one for the challenges he'll face in life.

We've also noticed that we connect with one another better when we're outside. I can't explain why, but it happens. Some of our best conversations happen on walks, or strolls through the woods. Facing bigger challenges together like camping, hiking, or backpacking brings us closer as a family.

So.... here we go. As of this post, we're on Day 5 of our challenge. Only 360 days to go. Do you want to join us? Leave a comment below, or use the hashtag #juniper365outside on Instagram and tag us in your posts. We'd love to see what you're doing.



Our favorite kind of outside. Mountains.

Our favorite kind of outside. Mountains.