7 Reasons We're Thankful This Year

I've heard that, as humans, we are wired to internalize our bad experiences more quickly than the good ones. Bad stuff 'sticks' so that we know where the dangers are. It's a survival instinct. And while it only takes a second for a negative experience to take up residence in our brain, we have to focus on positive things for up to 10 seconds before they'll have the same staying power.

Thanksgiving is one of our favorite holidays. It's simple. Spend time with loved ones, eat good food, and focus on the good things that we have going for us.

Here's what we're thankful for this holiday:

Look, it's us!

Look, it's us!

We are thankful for EACH OTHER. When you can suggest a 26-mile backpacking trip up and over a mountain range, *with* toddler, and your spouse perks up at the idea, you know you have something special.

We are thankful for OUR AWESOME KID. He not only tolerates, but seems to enjoy our outdoor shenanigans. Little O. has been camping, hiking, canoeing, biking, and backpacking all before the age of two. We love to share the outdoors with him, and he handles it like a champ. It's not easy, but it's doable (we're also thankful that it seems to get a little easier to get out with him as each year passes).

Canoeing on one of Minneapolis' many public lakes

Canoeing on one of Minneapolis' many public lakes

We are thankful for OUR CITY. 94% of Minneapolis residents live within a 10-minute walk of a park. We have small neighborhood parks, bigger city parks with woods and rivers and trails, the Mississippi River, Minnehaha Falls, and lots of lakes surrounded by public land. State parks and forests abound, and the Boundary Waters Canoe Area is just a few hours north. Sometimes we find ourselves lamenting the noticeable lack of mountains and tall rocks here, but this place has a whole lot of awesome.

We are thankful for OUR HEALTH. We are able to get out and do the things that we love to do. Good food is easily accessible, and staying active in Minneapolis is easy.

We are thankful that WE CAN BE HOME WITH OUR SON. Little O. has always had a parent at home with him. Seth was with him for the first year and a half, and then we switched. It's a privilege to be able to make it on one income for a while and spend so much time with our little one. We're so very grateful for it and don't take it for granted.

Joshua Tree

We are thankful for the opportunity to TRAVEL. Exploring new places forces us to problem solve, adapt, and see the world from a different perspective. Plus, we get to disconnect from our 'regular' life for a bit. We are fortunate to have a car, an airport nearby, and the means to take a few trips a year. Every time we step outside of our comfy Minneapolis bubble, we grow as people.

We are thankful for our OUTDOOR COMMUNITY. There are so many other families out there who are sharing their love of the outdoors with their kids, and inspiring the rest of us to do the same. When we saw others living adventurous lives with their kids, it helped us to know that we'd be able to do the same. We're excited to be joining the ranks.

A very happy Thanksgiving to you. What are you thankful for today?